A Planar Antenna Array

A planar array of isotopic antennae. The analysis is along the maximum radiation axis which is determined by the antenna type. If real antennae are used the individual antenna directivity is added to the array.

As usual all results: AS IS, no responsibility assumed.

A Planar Array

Linear Array Diagram

Basic Array Parameters

The spacing is in lambdas.

The antenna maximum orientation angle in the theta plane

The antenna maximum orientation angle in the phi plane

View the radiation pattern from this angle in z plane

These side lobe values are only used for the Chebychev antennae distribution.

Choose the antenna distribution.

It is assumed the distribution is the same in each direction.

Isotropic Antenna with uniform distribution.

Isotropic Antenna with binomial distribution.

Isotropic Antenna with chebychev distribution.


Not all parameters are used. It depends upon the analysis choosen.

The analysis is for an isotropic antenna which is then corrected for the actual directivity of the antenna along the analysis plane.